A lot of people think they need plans done before I come out to see them for their room addition or remodeling project in Orange County.
Not all the time. Most of the time, in fact, you don’t.
If you’re doing a large project you’re probably going to need some preliminary plans done, like a big two story, something like that. But in most cases a simple single story addition or remodel, or even a small second story, I can come out and get enough information from you and look at how it will be designed and I can give you an estimate without you having to spend money on plans.
However, if you are considering doing a big project, I have a designer that can come out and do preliminary plans for you and give you a number of different designs. He’s reasonably priced and he can do a number of things…he also works with an engineer so he can do final plans for you also. That way, when you have a big project like that you can get precise estimates. Otherwise you can’t, because it’s kinda a guess. However, even if you do need plans and you are doing a large project, I would still like to come out and see you first and just make sure that this is what we need and introduce you to my designer in a way where you feel comfortable using him.
A lot of people may have already had home design plans done anyway, with maybe an architect or whatever. I’d be more than happy to come out and bid your plans and do the estimate…come and see you and take care of all those things there.